Fortune Recommends banking methodology
The Fortune RecommendsTM banking team understands that managing personal finances can be a challenging process. We get it—we’ve been there too. Our team of experts, including Certified Financial Planners (CFPs) and budgeting pros, is here to help you find the best rates for your deposit accounts.
Our banking content is fueled by data from leading deposits consultancy, Curinos. Our partnership helps ensure that our stories provide daily rate updates on a vast array of banking products, and a rigorous fact-checking process ensures that readers can depend on our insights.
Here are the guidelines that help us determine the best banking products in each category we cover:
Saving money shouldn’t cost you money
In recent years, many consumers have started to shy away from traditional banks in order to avoid costly maintenance fees at their local banks. Today, there’s a growing number of free online banking options available no matter where you live.
Our team has researched dozens of financial institutions to help you find an account that will keep your money safe and growing at a strong rate—without charging you an arm and a leg in the process.
Higher rates mean higher earnings
This should come as no surprise, but the higher the APY on your account, the faster your money will grow. And yet, how do you find the highest rates?
Our team updates the rates on dozens of banks every day to ensure you get the most bang for your buck, with reviews, roundups, and comparisons to provide a well-rounded view of your options.
Financial planning leads to financial freedom
Chances are, if you’re searching for the best deposit accounts around then you’re aiming to optimize your financial situation.
Our extensive guides will help you define unfamiliar terms, walk you through the process of setting up certain types of accounts, and help you learn how to manage your household finances so that when the unexpected happens, you can be prepared for the financial impact. Get tips for budgeting, debt relief, and more from our CFP contributors.