The average wage for a model in the United States is around $15.34 per hour.
Avg Wage
Models earn an average hourly wage of $15.34.
Salaries typically start from $12.00 per hour and go up to $59.97 per hour.
20% below national average Updated in 2020
Model earnings by seniority
Approximate values based on highest and lowest earning segments.
Model salary by state
State Name | Average Salary |
Pennsylvania | $99,667 |
New Jersey | $52,540 |
Ohio | $45,660 |
Texas | $38,930 |
Oregon | $37,600 |
Wisconsin | $37,590 |
California | $37,380 |
Florida | $35,680 |
Maryland | $34,740 |
New York | $34,720 |
Washington | $34,000 |
Idaho | $31,200 |
Illinois | $29,610 |
Virginia | $27,000 |
Arizona | $26,050 |
Massachusetts | $23,770 |
Tennessee | $18,450 |
Iowa | $18,200 |
How do model salaries compare to similar careers?
Models earn 15% more than similar careers in the United States. On average, they make less than fashion designers but more than sewers.
Career | Median Salary |
Fashion designer salary | $76K |
Model salary | $32K |
Aesthetician salary | $37K |
Tailor salary | $33K |
Hairdresser salary | $27K |
Sewer salary | $30K |
Source: CareerExplorer (Aggregated)