What does an allergist do?

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What is an Allergist?

An allergist is a medical doctor who specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of allergies and related conditions. Allergists are trained to identify and treat a wide range of allergic conditions, including hay fever, asthma, eczema, food allergies, drug allergies, and insect sting allergies. They use a variety of tools and tests to identify the source of a patient's allergic reactions, including skin tests, blood tests, and challenge tests. Once an allergen is identified, an allergist will work with the patient to develop a treatment plan, which may include medications, immunotherapy, and lifestyle changes to help manage symptoms and prevent future allergic reactions.

Allergists are also trained to recognize and manage anaphylaxis, a severe and potentially life-threatening allergic reaction that can occur in response to certain allergens, such as peanuts or bee stings. They may prescribe emergency medications like epinephrine, teach patients how to use an epinephrine auto-injector, and provide patients with a written emergency plan to follow in case of a severe allergic reaction. Allergists also work closely with other healthcare professionals, including primary care physicians and pediatricians, to provide coordinated care for patients with allergies and related conditions.

What does an Allergist do?

An allergist doing a skin prick allergy test on a woman's arm.

Duties and Responsibilities
Some of the key duties and responsibilities of an allergist include:

  • Evaluating patients: An allergist will evaluate patients who present with symptoms such as asthma, hay fever, hives, eczema, and food allergies. They will take a detailed medical history, perform physical examinations, and may order diagnostic tests to determine the root cause of the symptoms.
  • Developing treatment plans: Based on the diagnosis, an allergist will develop a treatment plan that may include medications, immunotherapy, or lifestyle changes. They will work with the patient to ensure that the treatment plan is effective and manageable.
  • Providing patient education: An allergist will educate patients about their condition, including triggers, symptoms, and how to manage their symptoms effectively. They may also provide information about ways to prevent allergic reactions.
  • Collaborating with other healthcare providers: An allergist may collaborate with other healthcare providers, such as primary care physicians or pulmonologists, to ensure that patients receive comprehensive care.
  • Conducting research: Some allergists conduct research to advance the understanding of allergic diseases and develop new treatments.
  • Maintaining records: An allergist must keep accurate records of patient diagnoses, treatment plans, and progress. They must also maintain confidentiality and comply with all relevant privacy laws and regulations.

Conditions and Treatments
Allergy-related conditions can manifest in a variety of ways and can be caused by a wide range of triggers, including food, medications, environmental allergens, and insect bites. Allergists may use a combination of diagnostic tools, including skin testing, blood testing, and oral challenges, to identify the specific allergens triggering an individual's symptoms. Treatment plans may include medication, allergen avoidance, and immunotherapy, depending on the type and severity of the allergy-related condition.

Here are some of the most common allergy-related conditions and treatments that allergists may use:

  • Allergic rhinitis: This is a common condition that results from exposure to environmental allergens such as pollen, dust, mold, or pet dander. Symptoms can include sneezing, runny nose, itching, and congestion. Treatment options may include antihistamines, nasal steroids, decongestants, and allergen immunotherapy (allergy shots).
  • Asthma: Asthma is a chronic lung condition characterized by inflammation and narrowing of the airways. It can be triggered by environmental allergens, exercise, or irritants such as smoke or pollution. Treatment options may include inhaled corticosteroids, bronchodilators, leukotriene modifiers, and allergy immunotherapy.
  • Eczema: Eczema is a skin condition characterized by red, itchy, and inflamed patches of skin. Allergens such as food, pollen, or dust mites can trigger flare-ups. Treatment options may include topical steroids, antihistamines, and allergy testing to identify triggers.
  • Food allergies: Food allergies occur when the immune system mistakenly identifies a protein in a particular food as harmful and produces an allergic reaction. Symptoms can range from mild (hives, itching) to severe (anaphylaxis). Treatment options may include avoidance of the offending food, emergency medication (such as epinephrine), and desensitization through oral immunotherapy.
  • Drug allergies: Drug allergies occur when the immune system identifies a medication as harmful and produces an allergic reaction. Symptoms can range from mild (rash, itching) to severe (anaphylaxis). Treatment options may include avoidance of the offending medication, use of alternative medications, and desensitization through graded challenge testing.
  • Insect sting allergies: Insect sting allergies occur when the immune system identifies a venom from an insect sting as harmful and produces an allergic reaction. Symptoms can range from mild (itching, redness) to severe (anaphylaxis). Treatment options may include avoidance of the offending insect, use of emergency medication (such as epinephrine), and allergy immunotherapy.

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What is the workplace of an Allergist like?

Allergists work in a variety of settings, including private practice, hospitals, clinics, and research facilities. The workplace of an allergist can vary depending on their specific area of focus and the type of practice they are in.

  • In private practice, allergists typically work in a clinic or office setting, seeing patients on a regular basis. They may work independently or as part of a larger practice, and may specialize in treating certain types of allergies or conditions.
  • In hospitals and clinics, allergists may work as part of a larger medical team, collaborating with other healthcare providers to diagnose and treat patients with allergies and related conditions. They may also conduct research or teach medical students and residents.
  • Allergists who work in research facilities may focus on studying the causes and treatments of allergies and related conditions. They may work in academic or private research institutions, conducting experiments and analyzing data to gain a better understanding of how allergies and the immune system work.

Regardless of the setting, allergists typically spend a significant amount of time interacting with patients, conducting physical exams, reviewing medical histories, and diagnosing and treating allergies and related conditions. They may also prescribe medications or recommend lifestyle changes to help patients manage their symptoms.

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Doctor Specializations and Degrees

The following is a comprehensive list of the various specializations that a doctor can pursue and a brief summary of each specialization:

  • Allergist: An allergist specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of allergies, asthma, and related conditions. Allergists have specialized training in the recognition and management of allergic reactions.
  • Anesthesiologist: An anesthesiologist keeps a patient comfortable, safe and pain-free during surgery by administering local or general anesthetic.
  • Cardiologist: A cardiologist specializes in finding, treating, and preventing diseases that affect the heart, the arteries, and the veins.
  • Cardiothoracic Surgeon: A cardiothoracic surgeon specializes in surgical procedures inside the thorax (the chest), which may involve the heart, lungs, esophagus, and other organs in the chest. As well as performing surgery, they also diagnose and treat diseases of these organs.
  • Chiropractic Neurologist: A chiropractic neurologist is a specialized type of chiropractor who has undergone additional training in the field of neurology. They diagnose and treat conditions that affect the brain, spinal cord, and other parts of the nervous system.
  • Chiropractor: A chiropractor, or doctor of chiropractic medicine, specializes in diagnosing and treating disorders of the musculoskeletal and nervous system, especially in the spine. Treatment is usually physical manipulation of the joints and the spine to bring them back into alignment. A chiropractor does not perform surgery or prescribe medication.
  • Colorectal Surgeon: A colorectal surgeon specializes in diseases of the colon, rectum, and anus, as well as the entire gastric tract. These surgeons work closely with urologists, who handle the urogenital tract in males and the urinary tract of women, gynecologists, who deal with specific female issues, and gastroenterologists, who deal with diseases of the gut.
  • Doctor: An general overview of what a doctor does and how to become one.
  • Dentist: Dentists identify potential oral health issues such as gum disease, as well as examine patients, order medical tests and determine the correct diagnosis and treatment. They also perform oral surgery and remove teeth or address other dental health problems.
  • Dermatologist: A dermatologist specializes in the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of conditions affecting skin, hair, sweat and oil glands, nails, and mucus membranes (inside the mouth, nose, and eyelids) which can include cancer.
  • Emergency Medicine Physician: An emergency medicine physician works in emergency departments, hospitals, and urgent care clinics, and is often the first medical professional that patients see when they are in need of urgent medical care.
  • Endocrinologist: An endocrinologist specializes in diagnosing conditions and diseases related to the glands and hormones. While primary care doctors know a lot about the human body, for conditions and diseases directly related to glands and hormones they will typically send a patient to an endocrinologist.
  • Family Practitioner: A family practitioner specializes in caring for the entire family. Patients can be children, adults, and the elderly, and are treated for a wide array of medical issues.
  • Forensic Pathologist: A forensic pathologist investigates the cause of sudden and unexpected deaths, and is able to determine how a person died by performing an autopsy and studying tissue and laboratory results. These doctors are often called upon to provide evidence in court regarding the cause and time of such deaths.
  • Gastroenterologist: A gastroenterologist has specific training in diagnosing and treating conditions and diseases of the gastrointestinal (GI) tract. This may include diseases and disorders that affect the the biliary system (liver, pancreas, gallbladder, and bile ducts), as well as the esophagus, stomach, small intestine, and large intestine (colon).
  • Geriatrician: A geriatrician specializes in the care of elderly patients, and often works with patients who have multiple chronic conditions, such as hypertension, diabetes, and heart disease, as well as age-related cognitive and functional impairments.
  • Gynecologist: A gynecologist specializes in women's reproductive systems. Gynecologists are also sometimes certified as obstetricians, and will monitor the health of the mother and the fetus during a pregnancy.
  • Hematologist: A doctor who specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of blood disorders, such as anemia and leukemia.
  • Hospitalist: A hospitalist is a physician whose focus is the general medical care of hospitalized patients. Their duties include patient care, teaching, research, and leadership related to hospital medicine.
  • Immunologist: An immunologist specializes in managing problems related to the immune system, such as allergies and autoimmune diseases. A smaller number of immunologists are strictly researchers seeking to better understand how the immune system works and to help develop better ways of diagnosing and providing treatment for many immunological conditions.
  • Infectious Disease Specialist: A doctor who specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of infectious diseases, such as HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis, and hepatitis.
  • Internist: An internist is a 'doctor of internal medicine' who can diagnose, treat, and practice compassionate care for adults across the spectrum, from health to complex illness. They are not to be mistaken with "interns," who are doctors in their first year of residency training.
  • Medical Examiner: Medical examiners are responsible for performing autopsies and collecting evidence related to the circumstances of a death, including medical history, physical examination findings, and toxicology tests.
  • Naturopathic Physician: A naturopathic physician blends modern scientific medical practice and knowledge with natural and traditional forms of medical treatment. The goal is to treat the underlying causes of disease while stimulating the body's own healing abilities.
  • Nephrologist: A doctor who specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of kidney diseases. They treat conditions such as chronic kidney disease, acute kidney injury, kidney stones, hypertension, and electrolyte imbalances.
  • Neurologist: A neurologist specializes in treating diseases that affect the human nervous system. It is a very prestigious and difficult medical specialty due to the complexity of the nervous system, which consists of the brain, the spinal cord and the peripheral nerves.
  • Neurosurgeon: A neurosurgeon specializes in the diagnosis and surgical treatment of disorders of the central and peripheral nervous system. This includes congenital anomalies, trauma, tumours, vascular disorders, infections of the brain or spine, stroke, or degenerative diseases of the spine.
  • Obstetrician: An obstetrician is a medical doctor who specializes in caring for women during pregnancy, childbirth, and the postpartum period.
  • Occupational Physician: Occupational medicine is focused on keeping individuals well at work, both mentally and physically. As workplaces become more complex, occupational physicians play an important role in advising people on how their work can affect their health.
  • Oncologist: An oncologist specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of cancer. The three primary types of oncologists are: medical oncologists that specialize in the administration of drugs to kill cancer cells; surgical oncologists that perform surgical procedures to identify and remove cancerous tumors; and radiation oncologists that treat cancer with radiation therapy.
  • Ophthalmologist: An ophthalmologist is a specialist that deals specifically with the structure, function, diseases, and treatment of the eye. Due to the complexities and the importance of the eye as a special sense that provides vision, the discipline of ophthalmology is dedicated solely to this organ.
  • Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon: An oral and maxillofacial surgeon treats dental and medical problems involving the oral cavity and the maxillofacial area. The maxillofacial area includes the bones of the forehead, face, cheekbones and the soft tissues. Treatment often involves performing surgery and related procedures to treat diseases, defects, or injuries, and to improve function or appearance.
  • Orthopaedic Surgeon / Orthopedist: An orthopaedic surgeon (or orthopedist) examines, diagnoses, and treats diseases and injuries of the musculoskeletal system. This system includes the bones, joints, ligaments, muscles, tendons, and nerves.
  • Orthodontist: An orthodontist specializes in how the jaws and teeth are aligned. They help people whose teeth are misaligned or require some kind of correction – those with an improper bite, or malocclusion.
  • Osteopath: Osteopaths have attended and graduated from an osteopathic medical school and practise the system of healthcare known as osteopathy. They consider all aspects of the patient, not just the symptoms they exhibit. They see the integrated nature of the body’s organ systems and its capacity for self-regulation and self-healing.
  • Otolaryngologist: Otolaryngologists (or ENT physicians) are specialists trained in the diagnosis and treatment of patients with diseases and disorders of the ear, nose, throat (ENT), and related structures of the head and neck. These specialists are trained in both medicine and surgery.
  • Pathologist: A pathologist studies the causes, nature, and effects of disease. The field of pathology is broad with concentrations on changes in cells, tissues, and organs that are the result of a disease.
  • Pediatrician: A pediatrician specializes in providing medical care to infants, children and teenagers by administering treatments, therapies, medications and vaccinations to treat illness, disorders or injuries.
  • Periodontist: A periodontist is a dentist who specializes in oral inflammation, and who knows how to prevent, diagnose, and treat periodontal disease.
  • Plastic Surgeon: A plastic surgeon specializes in reshaping healthy body parts for aesthetic reasons, and also in repairing or replacing body parts damaged by accidents, illness or malformation.
  • Podiatrist: A podiatrist practices podiatric medicine, which is a branch of science devoted to the diagnosis, treatment and study of medical disorders of the foot, ankle, lower leg and lower back. In the U.S. and Canada, podiatry is practiced as a specialty.
  • Prosthodontist: A prosthodontist specializes in restoring the look, function, comfort, and health of a patient's oral cavity with artificial materials. These artificial materials are made up of a wide variety of restorations that include fillings, dentures, veneers, crowns, bridges and oral implants.
  • Psychiatrist: Psychiatrists are physicians who evaluate, diagnose and treat patients who are affected by a temporary or chronic mental health problem.
  • Pulmonologist: A pulmonologist specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of pulmonary (lung) conditions and diseases of the chest, particularly pneumonia, asthma, tuberculosis, emphysema, and complicated chest infections.
  • Radiologist: A radiologist is a specialist in interpreting medical images that may be obtained with x-rays, (CT scans or radiographs), nuclear medicine (involving radioactive substances, magnetism (MRI), or ultrasound.
  • Rheumatologist: A doctor who specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of rheumatic diseases, such as rheumatoid arthritis and lupus.
  • Sports Medicine Physician: A sports medicine physician specializes in taking care of people who have sports injuries that may be acquired from playing sports, exercising, or from otherwise being physically active.
  • Surgeon: A surgeon performs surgery for the purpose of removing diseased tissue or organs, to repair body systems, or to replace diseased organs with transplants.
  • Telemedicine Physician: A telemedicine physician provides remote healthcare services to patients using telecommunications technology, facilitating virtual consultations, diagnoses, and treatment recommendations.
  • Urologist: A urologist specializes in the treatment of the male and female urinary tract and the male reproductive organs. Urologists can treat the kidneys, urinary bladder, urethra, uterus, and male reproductive organs. There are also specific specialty areas that urologists may choose to focus on, such as pediatric urology, male infertility, and urologic oncology.
  • Vascular Medicine Specialist - A vascular medicine specialist specializes in the diagnosis and nonsurgical treatment of conditions affecting the blood vessels. They may work with patients who have conditions such as deep vein thrombosis, peripheral artery disease, or pulmonary embolism.
  • Vascular Surgeon - A vascular surgeon specializes in the diagnosis and surgical treatment of conditions affecting the blood vessels, including aneurysms, peripheral artery disease, and varicose veins.
  • Veterinary Dentist - A veterinary dentist is a specialized veterinarian who focuses on the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of dental diseases and conditions in animals. They perform dental procedures such as cleanings, extractions, and oral surgeries to improve the oral health and well-being of pets and other animals.


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See Also
Doctor Anesthesiologist Cardiologist Cardiothoracic Surgeon Chiropractor Colorectal Surgeon Dentist Dermatologist Emergency Medicine Physician Endocrinologist Family Practitioner Forensic Pathologist Gastroenterologist Geriatrician Gynecologist Hematologist Hospitalist Immunologist Infectious Disease Specialist Internist Medical Examiner Naturopathic Physician Nephrologist Neurologist Neurosurgeon Obstetrician Occupational Physician Oncologist Ophthalmologist Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon Orthopaedic Surgeon Orthopedist Orthodontist Osteopath Otolaryngologist Pathologist Pediatrician Periodontist Plastic Surgeon Podiatrist Prosthodontist Psychiatrist Pulmonologist Radiologist Rheumatologist Sports Medicine Physician Surgeon Urologist Vascular Medicine Specialist Vascular Surgeon Chiropractic Neurologist Veterinary Dentist Telemedicine Physician